Mystifying in mystery & detective canvas prints
Throughout the age of cinema and television, the genre of mystery and detective stories, whether dramatic or thrilling, has come to be enjoyed and celebrated by audiences of all ages throughout the world. Some of the more notable actors who have played in this genre are Jodie Foster, Elizabeth Taylor, Grace Kelly, Humphrey Bogart, Clint Eastwood, and Peter Lawford just to name a few. It was the brilliant French philosopher, Balzac who once wrote, Beyond every fortune, there is a crime. And fortunes have definitely been made with these remarkable films and television shows. Photowall gives you a few to admire with “Suddenly Last Summer”, “Citizen Kane”, and “Big Sleep” in its wonderful collection of mystery & detective canvas prints. Position a few of these mystery & detective canvas prints in your hallways to make the chore of moving from room to room more exciting. Hang a few of these images in your dining room and observe as the conversation slowly makes its way to entertainment and these intriguing mystery & detective canvas prints. Even the sleeping areas and play spaces of your kids will be livened up with these mystery & detective canvas prints hanging on the walls.
Perplexing in mystery & detective canvas prints
In the history of motion pictures, several films have stood out and made an indelible mark on society itself. Stories that are so well crafted and meticulously put together, that they remain favorites of the audiences to this day. These films are of the mystery & detective genre, and every period of cinema has a few examples of them. Photowall gives homage to this great artistic heritage with “Sean Connery in 007 Goldfinger”, “Third Man”, and “The Vampire Bat” its unique collection of mystery & detective canvas prints. These amazing images depict some of the most memorable movies ever to grace the silver screen. These splendid mystery & detective canvas prints come in a wide variety of colors and designs almost too numerable to mention. A few of these mystery & detective canvas prints actually replicate the look of the actual movie posters of these films as they rolled out into production, making them not only beautiful ornaments but coveted collector’s items after the fact. They also accurately document the evolution of cinema from the early days of black and white silent films to the color-corrected, computer-generated blockbusters of today.
Obscure and inscrutable
Kun luodaan mysteeri- ja salapoliisielokuvan käsikirjoitusta, ensimmäinen osa, joka luodaan, on ekspositio. Tämä on vain hieno tapa sanoa, että ensin näytetään tarinan peruselementit, kuten paikka, aika, lähtötilanne ja päähenkilöt. Mysteeri- ja salapoliisielokuvassa karmiva talo, kaupunki tai kylä on aina hyvä tapa aloittaa tarina. Photowall antaa sinun nauttia tästä elokuvan ensisijaisesta elementistä "Little Girl", "Anatomy of a Murder" ja "Silence of the Lambs" -elokuvien kanssa mysteeri- ja salapoliisikangastulosteiden aavemaisessa kokoelmassaan. Ensimmäisenä mainittu kuva kuvaa kivisen hautausmaan rauniota, jossa on mukulakiviportaat, sumuisessa, pelottavan valaistussa metsässä, täydellisenä portaalina mysteerien ja ihmeiden maailmaan, joka ei ole tästä maailmasta. Toinen maininta mysteeri- ja salapoliisikangaspainatusten kokoelmassamme esittää rikospaikan toimistossa, jossa on tarvittavat tummat sälekaihtimet ja luunmakuinen tausta. Kolmannessa esimerkissämme mysteeri- ja salapoliisikangaspainatuksista näkyy naisen kasvot, joiden suussa on koikokkonen, mikä on sopiva alku tarinalle, jossa on karmivia ja psykologisia sekoiluja.